Health Entrepeneur | Run Coach | Nutritionist & Womens Health & Menopause Coach  


Passionate about helping YOU 

Hi! I’m Jana, a health entrepreneur who thrives on helping others succeed, both as fellow entrepeneurs as well as in their personal health and fitness journey. 

With a background in marketing and sales, my interest in health and wellness led me to further qualifications as a UK Athletics Run Coach and a Diploma in Nutrition and Menopausal Wellness. Becoming a business partner with a fast growing international company within the health and wellness sector has meant that I can apply my knowledge and help even more people! 

I'd love to connect and hear more about you!

Send me a message!  


Nutrition and daily life struggles

Most of us know that following a healthy diet is something we should all do, and most of us do try. Our body is unique and like a car, it needs good fuel to work well and to not break down. Imagine if we only had one car all our life, and how well we would look after it. That is what we need to do with our body - we need to make sure we look after it well, both on the inside and the outside! 

We are all different and what works for your best friend or sister, might not work for you. The more individual the approach, the better and more sustainable the results. 

I work with nutrition from a holistic point of view and belive in small sustainable changes that are manageable and that will give the results that you are after. 

Are you ready for a change? 

Run Coaching & Strength 

Running has so many known benefits, both physical and mental. 

I run a few group sessions but I also work on a 1:1 basis with clients who either wants to improve their running form and performance, reach a certain goal or just want to get into running.

I also do tailored training plans for you to reach your goal but also to fit the training around the time you have available.

With 15+ years as an England Athletics Qualified Running Coach and Strength & Conditioning Coach, I can help you achieve your running and strength goals. I have completed many half marathons, marathons and a 51mile ultra marathon as well as helped many runners achieve PB's. Completing HYROX, a cross fit event where running and strength is combined has given me great insight into functional strength and how important this is for everyone at any level. 

Do you want to find out how you can improve your running? 

Womens Health & Menopause 

Womens Health is so important, but most women don't prioratize theselves. When menopause hit it could be the start of the next fabulous phase of our lives as women or a total disaster. 

How a women experience this time in her life will vary with some not noticing a thing and others having to give up their life and career.

From hot flushes and night sweats to brainfog and anxiety, these symptoms can be deliberating, but there are many natural solutions through diet and lifestyle that can make a huge difference. Regardless if you are on HRT or not, I can help you with a natural solution to the many symptoms of the menopause.   

I work with women on a 1:1 basis online or face to face. If you work for a company that is looking to prioritize menopause support for their employees, I offer webinars through Teams or Zoom. I look forward to hear from you! 


“ Jana is a truly fabulous woman, is super knowledgable about all things running and a really fantastic coach. “


Jana took me through what happens to your body during menopause. I finally had an insight as to what was causing my symptons and what to do to alleviate them with help of some easy diet and habit changes! .


“ Jana helped me through my first park run, by my side all the way and I achieved a better time than I ever thought possible. I’ll be telling people to go to Jana, but not before I’m booked in!  ”


If you want to achieve your long term nutritional and exercise goals and enable positive lifestyle changes for physical and mental health, I can't recommend Jana enough!


“With Jana’s help I was able to exceed my target time for my half marathon. Jana is an excellent and understanding coach. The support she provided went beyond my expectations. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking for a running coach.”
